Examples of interactions required:
function amount_calc() { var c = $(".type-choice input:checked"); var shipping = 0; var digital_desc = ""; if (c.attr("data-ship") === "1") { $(".shipping-choice").removeClass("inactive"); $(".shipping-choice input").removeAttr("disabled"); if (!is_gift()) { $(".shipping-information").show(); } var sc = $(".shipping-choice input:checked"); shipping = Number(sc.attr("data-amount")); digital_desc = " (" + sc.parent().find(".desc").text() + ")"; } else { $(".shipping-choice").addClass("inactive"); $(".shipping-choice input").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(".shipping-information").hide(); } var discount = 0; function format_money(d) { var pad = ""; if (d % 100 < 10) { pad = "0"; } return Math.floor(d / 100) + "." + pad + (d % 100); } if ($(".coupon-info").length != 0) { if (c.attr("data-ship") === "1") { var d = $(".coupon-info").attr("data-" + c.attr("data-type") + "-" + sc.attr("data-code")); } else { var d = $(".coupon-info").attr("data-" + c.attr("data-type")); } if ($(".coupon-info").attr("data-gift-only") === "true") { if (is_gift()) { var gift_passed = true; } else { var gift_passed = false; } } else { var gift_passed = true; } if (typeof d !== "undefined" && d !== "0" && gift_passed) { discount = Number(d) $(".coupon-amount").text(" - $" + format_money(d) + " Off"); } else { $(".coupon-amount").text(" - You can't use this coupon with that selection."); } } var cents = Number(c.attr("data-amount")) + shipping - discount; var amount = format_money(cents); $(".total .amount").text(amount);
{{ display_text }}
new Vue({
el: '#my-component',
data: {
display_text: 'Hello World!'
{{ display_text }}
new Vue({
el: '#my-component',
data: {
display_text: 'Hello World!',
show_display: true
Subtotal: {{ subtotal }}
new Vue({
el: '#my-component',
data: {
expedite_shipping: false,
add_donation: false
computed: {
shipping_subtotal: function() {
if (this.expedite_shipping) {
return 5
} else {
return 1
donation_subtotal: function() {
if (this.add_donation) {
return 10
} else {
return 0
subtotal: function() {
return 10 + this.shipping_subtotal + this.donation_subtotal
Subtotal: {{ subtotal }}
new Vue({
el: '#my-component',
data: {
expedite_shipping: false, add_donation: false,
shipping_cost: {reg: 0, exp: 0}, donation_cost: 0, base_cost: 0
mounted: function() {
this.shipping_cost = {
reg: parseInt(this.$refs.shipping_toggle.dataset.reg),
exp: parseInt(this.$refs.shipping_toggle.dataset.exp)
this.donation_cost = parseInt(this.$refs.donation_toggle.dataset.amount);
this.base_cost = parseInt(this.$refs.base_cost.dataset.amount);
computed: {
shipping_subtotal: function() {
return this.expedite_shipping ? this.shipping_cost.exp : this.shipping_cost.reg
donation_subtotal: function() {
return this.add_donation ? this.donation_cost : 0
subtotal: function() {
return this.base_cost + this.shipping_subtotal + this.donation_subtotal;